ANNOUNCEMENT [1/20/25]: New Policy Statement on Immigration, Racial Equity, and Human Rights
ANUNCIO [1/20/25]: Nueva declaración política sobre inmigración, equidad racial y derechos humanos


Building power with people

Facilitating better outcomes

Building power with people

Your voice is powerful

Taking action for justice is a key part of our agency’s Equity and Well-Being Roadmap. Civic engagement is vital to community well-being. Each of us has a unique role to play in creating and sustaining lasting change. Each of us can be an agent of hope, helping to shape a just and equitable future for all.

Take a look to see how you can become engaged in our Marin community,

Involving parents & guardians as leaders

Parents and caregivers are an integral part of our Children and Family Services programs. Their involvement as a guardian and leader helps strengthen outcomes for children and families. Parents and Guardians with enrolled children can be elected to the Parent Leadership Council (PLC). Members of the PLC share in the decision making for the program, encourage parent and guardian involvement from others, and keep those at our centers informed about CFS activities. 

As council members, participants attend a council orientation and monthly meetings where they discuss parent and community needs, program priorities, activities, funding, and program expenditures. The program, as our blog states, generates leaders who help to lead.

Recently, the Parent Leadership Council:  

  • Strengthened their shared understanding of reports that inform data-driven decision-making 
  • Provided critical input and approval for the agency’s Head Start grant re-application and employee handbook 
  • Submitted updates to Children and Family Services policies for Board of Director approval, including re-aligning classroom health practices with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

We live in a culture entrenched in white supremacy and our implicit biases manifest in our institutions and our systems, our education systems, political systems and penal systems. So what can we do? We can build power with people, and you’ll see examples of this woven throughout our strategies.

Heather Bettini Community Action Marin

Heather Bettini
Assistant Vice President