Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Please note that as of March 12, 2024 all ERAP funds have been utilized

Emergency Rental Assistance Program

One of Community Action Marin’s priorities is Housing Justice, increasing affordable housing and addressing homelessness. A part of this has been advocating with the county for critical support and additional funding of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

We took over the ERAP program beginning mid-November 2022 and through January 2024 dispensed more than $6.2 million to 885 Marin households preventing individuals and families experiencing economic hardship from facing eviction, displacement, and homelessness across the county.

At this point, all ERAP funding has been disbursed.

ERAP was a timely and important step that the County of Marin took to prevent the displacement of tenants of low-income (disproportionately people of color) and others who are vital members of our community.

“Since the start of the year, we’ve been noticing a concerning rise in eviction cases and requests for next month’s rent. It seems like a lot of tenants are really worried about falling behind due to the lack of tenant protections. It’s been tough for many residents, who have had to resort to borrowing money or using credit cards to pay rent, which only puts them in further financial hardship. It’s definitely a challenging situation. The demand for assistance continues to increase each week just yesterday we assisted 46 applicants with their rental application.” — Chris Miranda, Senior Manager, Safety Net Services

Community Action Marin is dedicated to advancing racial and economic justice. We are the largest non-profit human services provider in Marin County. Our county-wide efforts help individuals and families to meet their basic needs and forge a path to self-sufficiency and thriving. We serve over 7,000 households each year with a focus on addressing the causes and consequences of poverty.

Learn about Rental Assistance   Read our Budget Advocacy Letter

Between November 2022 and January 2024, a total of $6,242,591 in ERAP funding was disbursed to Marin County residents.


The total number of individuals (885 households) receiving ERAP funds


Percent ERAP funds distributed to those with the lowest income levels, including 70% with incomes at or below 30% of area median income (AMI) and 15% who receive other federal benefit programs


Percent of head of households receiving assistance that were aged 60+

See all of the highlights of the ERAP Program

Take a look at more of the statistics from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and read the stories from some of those who have benefitted.

I want to share my gratitude for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and Community Action Marin’s support. I didn’t have anyone else to turn to and I was worried. I’m a single mother and it’s hard to support myself at times. Last year I was injured at work and had to take time off. Rent and bills started stacking up. Luz Lopez told me about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, and I acted immediately. I filled out an application, provided the requested documents, and continued to check-in. My rental application was processed and approved for past due rent owed from November 2022–February 2023. I am very thankful.

Maria J.
Emergency Rental Assistance Recipient