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In Action

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report 2023

CAM primary logo white

2023 marked a year of powerful cross-sector partnerships that mobilized resources for community vitality.

This report is dedicated to those whose energy and passion pushed us to new ideas and opportunities. To our supporters, volunteers, and countless partners in the work of creating an equitable Marin. we are grateful.

  Message from our CEO

Dear Community and Colleagues,


Compassion grows from a place of certainty that we’re connected somehow. It is a testament to our ability as human beings to choose love over hate at any moment, and it reveals our ability to take responsibility for difficult emotions. Moving in the world in this way leads us to justice.

At Community Action Marin, we are making progress towards justice. Our team’s commitment to values of relationship, unity, inclusivity, and service are the root of all that we do. From high-quality programs that meet needs and deliver important data about the community to advocacy efforts that create systems-level shifts and disrupt the status quo, the hard work of leading transformative change is happening in our own front yards.

As you read this annual report, our Commitment to Action, I hope you will listen for the voices of the unhoused, immigrants, people of low income, families struggling to make ends meet, and others striving for self-sufficiency and realization of their dreams. They are reflected here in the work we do every day to alleviate the causes and consequences of poverty.

I invite you to be in relationship with your neighbors. Together, we can prove that poverty can be eliminated. With every choice we make, we can decide to act for all of us.


Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer
Community Action Marin

“We see justice
as a virtue.
When we see
we respond
with action.

We have an incredible opportunity
in Marin to make a difference.”



Listening deeply in community drives how Community Action Marin responds with programs, services, and advocacy. We received a statistically significant response to questions this year through our Community Needs Assessment about all facets of people’s lives, from health and income to early education and housing. Of those surveyed, 50% earned less than $25k per year, well below the federal poverty line.

Not surprisingly, the assessment revealed that housing, education, and health (including access to food and health care services) were the greatest concerns. The challenges faced by low-income populations across our county reinforce the need for policies and action to help all Marin County residents achieve well-being.  

highest rated community
concerns in marin county*

Concerns Chart
*Data taken from 2023 Community Needs Assessment

building an anti-poverty movement

  1. Shift the narrative and create new mindsets
  2. Build power with people
  3. Advocate to change systems
  4. Provide community responsive services

Lynette Stewart

2023 Community
Courage Award Recipient

“I moved to Marin when my youngest son was approaching three years of age so I could get him into a good school. I got a job and a car, and I found myself needing childcare for the first few months, which was $1,500 per month. I needed help, so I contacted Community Action Marin and they offered me subsidized childcare. 

When I was laid off from my job in San Rafael, several things led to my living in my car with my son, in a church parking lot where I felt safe. It was at that point that I met the CARE Team. They helped me get temporary hotel assistance, and I was put into a family stabilization program. From there, I worked with one of the agency’s Success Coaches to plan for my career and set my own personal goals. 

I enrolled in a Medical Assistant Certificate Program and soon, I will have my certificate, which I’m very excited about.” 


Safety Net


“WHEN MY TENANT FELL BEHIND ON HIS MONTHLY PAYMENTS HE HAD NOWHERE TO TURN. He had little money, ill health, and he desperately needed help. Your program came as a godsend. Your rental assistance program also benefited me as a building owner and manager. As a result of your assistance, I was able to “breathe easy” and pay my considerable taxes and the upkeep on the property. As a senior citizen whose major financial support comes from a single property, rental income is essential. For me, it takes the place of an IRA. Steady rental income makes it possible to own rental property and not sell it.”


Keeping Families and Individuals Housed
The financial impact from the pandemic endured for many families. Community Action Marin’s collaboration with the county to administer the Emergency Rental Assistance Program provided rental relief to thousands of renters and landlords. Advocacy for an extension of the eviction moratorium and for increased funding at the state and federal levels also positively contributed to rental assistance support numbers. Additional work supporting fair housing included a focus on equity, tenant protections, and below-market-rate homeownership.

Meeting People Where They Are
This past year, a core team of staff supported intake and referrals at 30 events with approximately 514 people stopping by our booth in areas like Bolinas, Pt. Reyes, and Marin City that can be hard to access by public transportation.

Residents got help with rental assistance, PG&E applications, and CalFresh, not to mention access to a variety of agency programs from childcare to financial coaching. Thanks to a partnership with the Marin Housing Authority and the use of their Golden Gate Village Community Center, services were also made available twice a month for Southern Marin residents.

Help Paying Critical Water and Utility Bills
Emergencies can happen to anyone, any time. This past year, Community Action Marin provided access to the appropriate programs and worked with residents to assess eligibility based on household size, gross monthly income, and program priorities.  


"I cannot thank you enough for your incredible efforts to help me tonight. You’re angels! The electricity just came back on. I can’t thank you enough for assisting me in getting the money to pay my bill. You’re an incredible organization.”

Angela S., Low Income Home Energy Assistance Recipient

“I really like how inclusive the agency is and feel privileged to be in a role to help people, especially with the class disparity that exists in Marin. One portion of the people here have generations of resources to rely on, and then there are those who don’t. You look at your own efforts as a single person and sometimes it is hard to see how significant you are. When you look at the agency, you can see your presence and impact. ” 

Harriet Hernandez Salinas,
Community Support Specialist

Impact at a glance

Rental Assistance


in financial assistance provided to 1,070 households 

Energy Assistance


provided to 1,297 households 

Water Assistance


in LIHWAP payments made for 79 families or individuals

Children & Family Services

Paving the Way for Brighter Futures.

“One of my earliest memories was at Community Action Marin’s Canal Childcare Center, standing in the corner of a massive room and an array of colorful costumes. I was immediately struck by the reality that I could try on many different combinations of pieces and instantly become a new character. I imagine this was an immensely powerful revelation for my younger self and did encourage me to further explore all the opportunities available and propel me through a lifetime of artistic exploration and growth. It is not an exaggeration to say that the seeds that were planted here enabled me to develop the confidence to try new things and take creative risks.”

John Lam, Principal Dancer Boston Ballet,
Former Preschool Participant

Canal_Children Lunch_110322_09_v2

Attracting High-Quality Teaching Staff
Recognizing the need for more competitive pay for educators, Community Action Marin advocated at the state level for changes to the subsidized childcare program and at the federal level for increased funding for Head Start. The agency offered referral and retention bonuses, increased wages for all teachers, and set a new agency-wide minimum wage of $22/hour.

Facilitating Better Outcomes
Parents are an integral part of programming that produces results for children and families. This past year, the Parent Leadership Council received monthly reports and presentations from staff to strengthen shared understanding and inform data-driven decision-making. Parents were instrumental in the input and approval of the agency’s Head Start grant re-application, Employee Handbook, and several updates to Children and Family Services policies, including re-aligning classroom health practices with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Expanding Social Emotional Intelligence and Learning
In the fall of 2022, Community Action Marin piloted its first outdoor sensory classroom, an environment designed to provide children with exceptional needs a space to regulate emotions and address an array of sensory processing needs. There are now two sensory classrooms at the agency’s largest child development centers, and families using them have commented on their calming effect.

“I have passion for children; I love to serve others. I love this program, its mission, and its values of relationship, inclusivity, unity, and service. Seeing smiles on our children’s faces is the most rewarding experience. I am honored to be able to play such a role in the lives of the families we serve and to be able to show them that I am someone who truly supports them and that they can trust me.”

Sanaa Mehtar, Teacher, Manzanita (Marin City)

Impact at a glance

High-quality Early Education Provided To


children enrolled in the program

Parent Satisfaction


of parents said their children are happy, safe, and feel like they belong and 92% said the program helped them with employment, education, or caregiving

Edina fcc

Economic Justice


“I want to express my gratitude for the services I received from Community Action Marin. I’m the first in the family to attend college. Currently, I’m enrolled in a nursing program, and I discovered the opportunity to receive the agency’s Financial Coaching at the College of Marin. I am humbled to have had one of their incredible Success Coaches as a counselor. He was calm, provided support with reasoning, made topics fun, and was willing to educate and help anyone with an ambition to learn. I can say that Community Action Marin made a change in my life.”

Benjamin D., Financial Coaching Program Participant


“I feel fortunate and grateful because I can work for others needing better life conditions. The connections I’ve been able to make are very fulfilling. I feel very glad to be able to help different types of people in our community.”

Juan Vidal, Data Specialist & VITA Coordinator

Building Stronger Financial Futures
No matter what someone’s financial situation is, staff can provide coaching or job training to help. The goal is to give people the tools and guidance they need to improve their financial future. In our coaching program, members define their goals and set priorities for their sessions. Coaches provide support and the tools to help track money, create budgets, boost savings, improve credit, reduce debt, and learn to invest. Of those served this past year, about half also received additional financial services like tax preparation, or referrals to outside services for mental and behavioral health, legal services, and other support.

Jumpstarting Jobs in Childhood Education
The Pathways to Success Apprenticeship began in January 2023 to help participants launch their career in Early Childhood Education. The program was a collaboration among the U.S. Department of Labor, CA Division of Apprenticeship Standards, two local employers, College of Marin, and Workforce Alliance of the North Bay, and Early Care and Education Pathways to Success (ECEPTS), a state intermediary.

Participants in this unique working and learning experience earned 12 Early Childhood Education units through College of Marin, completed 2,000 hours of paid work experience, and were eligible for an Associate Teacher permit. 19 of the program’s apprentices attended college-level courses while working full time in classrooms at Community Action Marin and the North Bay Children’s Center. Apprentices received childcare for their children and access to other agency resources including financial and credit coaching. The program also created a funnel to help Community Action Marin meet teacher staffing needs and support more eligible Marin families with childcare.

Cooking up a Career in Food
The Kitchen Apprenticeship Program, a partnership with Marin County’s Healthy Eating Active Living Collaborative, trained and mentored those seeking a career in the food industry or entrepreneurship opportunities focused on food. The six-month program equipped individuals with the knowledge and skills to develop and launch a small food business or to join the larger food and hospitality industry. Apprentices were matched with food industry professionals specializing in baking and butchering, learned invaluable business and marketing skills, were paid, and received a grant to help launch their careers upon program completion.

Putting Money Back in People’s Pockets
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) returned $203,129 to 160 families in Marin this past tax season. Through the VITA program, eligible Marin residents were guided by trained volunteers through matters such as reporting on public benefits and claiming the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), so they could claim tax benefits for which they were eligible. The service helped people maximize their refunds, providing them with additional dollars to help pay expenses or to save for the future.

"Some people are afraid to do their taxes themselves. They are very grateful to have someone to help them. Getting your taxes done is very expensive when you don’t make a lot of money. That few hundred dollars is money the people who come to VITA don’t have, nor should they have to pay. It’s a valuable service to our community.”

Mary Dinday, VITA Volunteer

Impact at a glance

Improvement in Savings, Credit, or Debt


experienced by over 190 of the 307 SparkPoint participants

Maintained or Increased Confidence in their Food Career


of Kitchen Apprenticeship participants

Enhanced their Food Industry Careers


of our Food Services Apprentices who obtained an industry recognized certificate, with 67% expanding their small business

Housing Justice

Providing housing stability.

THANK YOU FOR ASSISTING ME WITH MY RENT HELP APPROVAL. I AM FEELING SUCH A SENSE OF RELIEF. I love how everyone comes together to get things done, especially when it’s something urgent like retaining housing. Thank you for going above and beyond at Community Action Marin!”

Sue, Rental Assistance Recipient


Marin County is in the midst of a housing crisis. People of color, people of low-income, seniors, and people with disabilities are bearing the brunt of this crisis and are facing disproportionate hardship and displacement. This reality runs counter to the county’s stated commitment to racial equity. The agency’s focus has been on increasing affordable housing, addressing homelessness, and providing critical support and administration of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Our advocacy and administration of the program provided needed help to stay housed to landlords and renters in our local community.

Amma Mother with reduced work hours
The mother of a family of four cleans houses and the father works in a restaurant. Her hours were reduced between October 2022 and April 2023, causing the family to fall behind on rent and receive an eviction notice.
ERAP assisted the family in paying past-due rent and avoiding eviction.

Renaldo Renter whose landlord refused to participate in ERAP
An unemployed individual was three months behind on rent when he received an eviction notice. The landlord refused to participate in the ERAP program and continued with the eviction process. The tenant found a job and a new place to live with assistance from local non-profit agencies.
ERAP assisted with his deposit and first month’s rent for a
new apartment.

Pilar Student, single mother with reduced work hours & illness
A single mother of two children is still recovering from the financial impact of the pandemic when she missed work due to illness. Her hours as a driver for a local transit company were reduced, causing her to fall behind on rent payments.
ERAP helped her gain stability.

Offering Resources and Housing Stability to Transitional Age Youth
Through the Community Alternative Response Engagement (CARE) outreach teams, Community Action Marin offers vital support and assistance to unhoused people. The team is often the first point of contact for people experiencing homelessness. Concerned that transitional age youth were being left behind, the agency made a strategic decision to expand its outreach focus. In collaboration with the county, Community Action Marin secured $1.5M in funding to spearhead a three-year effort, supported by the Tipping Point Community, to help ensure access to available services.

Learning about Housing Options
Low-cost housing is extremely difficult to secure in Marin. Our seasoned Housing Information Specialists help members uncover timely information on shared housing options, Section 8 housing vouchers, and subsidized housing. Members get high-touch personal assistance with their housing search, best practices on how to present themselves to a landlord and be a good tenant, help developing housing resumes and letters of reference, and external referrals to our network of trusted landlords and housing programs.

“HOUSING STABILITY IS FOUNDATIONAL FOR WELL-BEING AND THRIVING. Youth are often overlooked in traditional housing services, threatening their stability and undermining the investments made in other areas such as education and health. We are excited for our new partnership with Tipping Point Community to amplify our housing justice reach for up to 180 youth per year through direct outreach, case management, housing navigation, and financial assistance. Together, we are addressing the root causes of housing insecurity and advocating for policies that advance housing justice.”

Gina Guillemette, Chief Strategy Officer

Impact at a glance

Outreach to Unhoused Individuals


is the average number of those experiencing homelessness served each month

Housing Financial Assistance


through the Emergency Rental Assistance program

"The high cost of housing continues to be a major, if not the number one concern, for individuals and families who come to us for help. Last year, nearly 300 households who received rental assistance had received an eviction notice due to being late with their rent.”

Laurel Hill, Director, Safety Net Services

Food Justice


“WE KNOW THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS INCREASINGLY A DRIVER OF MIGRATION AROUND THE WORLD. Especially for families who have been displaced from their agrarian roots due to drought and extreme weather conditions. Having the opportunity to farm and garden in a community setting increases food security and healthy eating while strengthening their relationship to the land, their culture, and their ancestors.”

Patti D’Angelo Juachon, Program Director, Environment and Legal Protection, Marin Community Foundation


A Sustainable Farm
The agency’s Production Farm in San Rafael has 15,000 square feet of land dedicated to orchards and organic crops. It generates over 1,000 pounds of healthy fruits and vegetables annually. Produce goes into meals at the agency’s early education centers, into emergency food boxes, and to the Central Kitchen where Chef Jose and his team also create delicious food for senior congregate meals at county older adult centers. Teachers involve children in planting and regular tours so they can learn about healthy foods and are more apt to try them.

Soup for the Soul
A partnership with ExtraFood and Insalatas restaurant contributes to the healthy, nutritious food served across generations in Marin, starting in Community Action Marin’s Production Farm. Food grown is used for various soups created by Heidi Krahling, one of the owners of Insalatas,
in our Central Kitchen. The soups are nutritious and comforting for people of all ages, and they are provided to a portion of children at our centers, as well as at two county senior congregate meal locations where the agency provides regular meal service.

senior Congregate Meals
As Marin’s population ages, Community Action Marin is providing healthy meals to seniors aged 60 and older at four community centers from Southern Marin to Novato. Meals are funded through the federal Older Americans Act, distributed through a contract with County of Marin Aging and Adult Services. With the contract, our Central Kitchen team is helping to ensure that more people across generations who may be at risk of losing their independence have community-based nutrition services available to them.

Impact at a glance

Food Grown at our Production Farm


pounds, including peaches, leeks, eggplant, peppers, bok choi, kale, tomatoes, zucchini, and more

Meals and/or Snacks Provided


as part of the county’s Senior Congregate Meal program and 150,000 to 553 children enrolled in our Children and Family Services programs

CAM Caravan_070420_63_v2

"Each week, our Kitchen Team prepares hundreds of delicious meals for our senior community. They feature fresh local produce and we take pride in knowing that they meet the unique nutritional needs of our older adult community."

 Erin Hawkins,
Vice President of Programs

Production Farm-1

A Vital Part of Our Agency

Thank You to Our Volunteers!


volunteer spotlight

has been a classroom volunteer at the agency’s Hamilton Children’s Center for a little over a year. She started working with Children and Family Services doing vision and hearing tests for the children. That then grew into a larger role in the classroom as she wanted to engage with the students regularly, have a relationship with them, and bond.

The kids are amazing. I love that they are curious and enthusiastic. They wear their feelings and hearts on their sleeves. I love to read to them, play, or come up with inventions together. It is so sweet to watch the children, especially those who speak different languages. They say, “Teacher Margarita” to me. They come running to share. They help with words. I love the teachers who are there because they love the kids.”

Total Volunteers


Total Hours Reported


Our Mission

We make it possible for people in Marin to achieve well-being by providing the vital services they need. Together, we break down the barriers that get in the way of fair and lasting change in service to better outcomes for all.

Equity and
Well-being Roadmap


Our Vision

All of us in Marin have an equal opportunity to live our lives with dignity and respect.

FY2023 financials

Revenues continue to perform strongly for the fifth year in a row at $27.5 million, increasing by 42% compared to FY2022.

Notably, the agency took on administration of County of Marin rental assistance efforts, distributing funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.  Most of the increase in funds were a direct pass through that benefited Marin County residents.

For every $1 of federal Community Services Block Grant funds, the agency leveraged $87.89 from other federal, state, and local government sources. Additionally, our fundraising efforts yielded 7.85 times in private contributions for every $1 dollar invested.

Our Team


Roger Crawford
Violetta Krasnic
Tonya Newstetter
Mary Donovan
Nicolette Van Exel
Jeffrey M. Babcock
Chrisopher Carey
Cristina MacKenzie
Maria Frias
Jennifer McInnis
Sean Casey


Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

Heather Bettini
Senior Director,
Economic Justice

Christina Boothman
Senior Director,
Early Education
Site Support

Shuddha Butler
Executive Office
and Administration

Paige Allison Cross
Program Services
& Operations

Melissa Cunningham
Family Well-Being,
Monitoring and Compliance

Mo De Nieva-Marsh
Director of
Whole Family and
Community Services

Michelle Fountain
Vice President
of Behavioral Health
& Training

Michelle Fox
Senior Director,
Early Education

Gina Guillemette
Chief Strategy Officer

Erin Hawkins
Vice President
of Programs

Shana Hewitt
Vice President,
Early Education-
Children &
Family Services

Laurel Hill-Lubiszewski
Safety Net Services

Gary Intersimone
Financial Planning Analyst

Norma J Medina
Director, ERSEA

Korinna Pedrosa
Vice President,
Human Resources

Geeta Tate
Director of Philanthropic

Jennifer Thater
Mental Health Services

Elizabeth Valone
Chief Program Officer

Patrick James

Senior Manager,
Data Analytics

2023 Neighborhood Champion
Community Action Marin was honored as a Neighborhood Champion. THE AWARD INCLUDED A GRANT OF $50,000 OVER TWO YEARS.

Bank of America shares Community Action Marin’s belief that equitable access to resources can create economic mobility for more people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and in turn, help the wider community thrive. We are delighted to see them further this work with the resources made possible through the Neighborhood Champions program.”

Amy Loflin, Senior Vice President, Napa, Marin, Sonoma Market Executive

Thank You

To our donors and sponsors


U.S Department of Health and Human Services (Office of Head Start)

California Department of Social Services

California Department of Education

County of Marin

$100,000 TO $999,999

Marin Community Foundation

Season of Sharing

Tipping Point Community

United Way Bay Area

$25,000 TO $99,999 

Bank of America

Bothin Foundation

Leestma Family Foundation

Marin Child Care Council MC3

United Way Bay Area

Zephyr Fund

$5,000 TO $24,999 


Bank of Marin


Denise Cutler

Gruber Family Foundation

Hilltop Foundation

J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

John & Heather Botti


Mark Menning

Morgan Stanley

Redwood Credit Union

Sundial Fund

The Isabel Allende Foundation

Wendy’s Wish Giving Fund

$1,000 TO $4,999


Aimee Kilmer and
Adrian Power

Alexander N. Pascua Fong

Alissa Kaufmann

Ann Mathieson

Barbara Holmes

Center for Domestic Peace

Cerity Partners Foundation

Cora Versaggi

Courtney Wilkins

David Dibble

Dennis Ryan

Gail Theller

James and
Jenniffer McLean

Jeffrey Amen

Jeffrey M. Babcock

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Joanie Levinsohn

Kenneth Perlmutter

Kristy Wilhite

Lara Park-Menning

Mark Valentine

Marni Kottle

Mill Valley Refuse
Service, Inc.

North Bay Arts Fund

OMW Corp

Pizzalina Pizzeria &
Wine Bar

Platypus Advisors

Randall Fong

Rotary Club of
San Rafael Harbor

Stephen Kowalski

Ted Abe

Theresa K. Clifford

Tony Psychoyos

Wardell-Smith Raabe Family Fund

Wells Fargo Foundation

Wobb Family Fund

$1 TO $999 

Abby Ottenhoff

Allison Ross

Amazon Smile Foundation

Amy Anderson

Andres Edwards

Andrew Bettini

Ann W. Schweichle

Barbara P. Baratta

Barbara Weldon

Bobbie Lemontt

Brian Bettini

Brian Calder

Brian Delahunt

Brian Donohue

Bright Funds

Calvin Patton

Capital One Services LLC

Carol Paz

Carolyn Zwicker

Catherine King

$1 TO $999 

Charles Maher


Chloe and
Christopher Martin

Chris Brent

Chris McCrum

Christina Rosetti
Mc Arthur

Christine Garcia

Christopher McBride

Cristina MacKenzie

Dahlia Kamesar

Daniel P. Kahn

Darlene Goins

David Ezequelle

David J. Guggenhime

Denis G. Gleason

Denise Lucy

Denisse Mendoza

Dennis Potts

Dennis Rodoni

Derek Wong

Donna F. Morris

Charitable Trust

Edward Carr

Elliot Wolf

Ernest Mishkin

Evelyn Lam

Fatai Tokolahi

Fillippo Lo Coco


Frank Baratta

Gail D. Barksdale

Gary Intersimone

George Landau

Gina Guillemette

Gloria Toro Burress

Greg Knell

Heidi Woods

Herbert Cano

Herve Ernest

Hugh Murphy

Irma Botvin

Ivette Villarreal

James Tighe

Jane Denton

Jane Leu

Janine P. Rosenblatt

Janis Sturdevant

Jean Greenbaum

Jeffrey Egeberg

Jeffrey Schneider

Jennifer McInnis

Jennifer Rienks

Jerome Mednick

Jill Monroe

Joan Mayhew Beales

Joel Gumbiner

Joel Kurzman

John Arruda

John Beuttler

John Schneider

John Ward

$1 TO $999 

John Wright

Jonathan Leone

Joseph Echelberry

Joshua Adler

Joya Cory

Judith Dowling

Julia S. Frank

Julie A. Quater

Julie Kalfayan

Julie Whyte

Justin Semion

Karee Wallach

Kate Dolkas

Katherine Randolph

J. Kaneko

Katie McKee

J. Friedman

Kenneth Tarrant

Kevin Hagerty

Kevin M. Kneafsey

Kieran Norton

Kristie Qualman

Lani Alo

Laurean Nardone

Lauren Roscoe

Linda Perrella

Linda Toy

Lori Smith

Lorrie Goldin

Lynne Dixon

Marc Flax

R. Hallett

Margaret S. Kass

Margot Segal

Mark Shemaria

Mark Zhang

Martin Cate

Mary and Christina Landles-Cobb

Mary Donovan

Mary Esperance

Mary K. Dinday

Megan Brizzolara

Meredith Parnell

Michael Andrews

Michael Beuttler

Michael Minchin

Michael Parrett

Michael Stein

Michelle Christovich

Michelle Groleau

Fellner LLP

Mira Karageorge

Murray Kucherawy

Myles Babcock

Nick Morris

Nora Niesen

Pat Becker

Patricia Hager

Patrick Donohew

Patty Ahlbrandt

Paul and Lori Bergeron

$1 TO $999 

Paul Finkle

Paul Kalms

Paul Remer

Paula Sauve

Peggy Bettini

Penny Janiak

Peter Fabian

Peter Fugazzotto

Precision General Commercial Contractors

Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.

Richard Lundberg

Rob Palmer

Robert & Ruth Dell

Robert Gloistein

Robert Lapic

Robert P. Haro

Robert Sammis

Robert W. Hoffman

Roland T. Minami

Ron Olson

Ronald J. Burlick

Ronald L. Stolowitz

Rosalie Marcovecchio

Ruth Whiting

Samantha Tradelius

Sandra L. Kiriluk

Sandra McCreary

Sandra Woliver

Sandy Stern

Sarah Richmond

Sean Casey

Shelley Finci

Sita Khufu

Stacey Farrell

Stanley Green

Stephanie Hellman


Susan Brown

Susan K. Holland

Susan Quater

Susan Restani

Suzanne Brice

Tammy Edmonson

Ted Hellman

Terry VerHaar

The Blackbaud
Giving Fund

Thomas Conneely

Thomas G. Hendricks

Tiffani Clarke

Tim McCarthy

Tonya Newstetter

United Way Worldwide

Victoria Silverman

Vinh Luu

Vinton Freedley

Violetta Krasnic

Ylva Dominy

We are grateful for our many supporters and occasionally are not able to list a generous donor. If you would like to be acknowledged for your gift, please contact our team at

community action marin promise

community action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes america a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Get the 2023 Annual Report in English or Spanish Now

