Five Minutes for Food
Let’s talk about food!
Hunger and poor access to healthy food are realities for people of low income in Marin, despite the county’s general affluence. Over the past year, food insecurity among the individuals and families we serve intensified and grew.
We invite you to gather with friends and family and take #FiveMinutesforFood to GET INVOLVED in Food Justice:
- Watch the 5-minute Good Food for All video above
- Discuss what it means to gather and share gratitude for healthy, fresh food. Get our guide in English or Spanish.
- Act and get involved to support access to good food for ALL in Marin County.
- Share #FiveMinutesforFood with 5 friends tell them how they can help, too.

Read our Good Food for All Discussion Guide
Available in Spanish too! You can also learn more about why we are one of Marin’s Best Food Insecurity Nonprofits.