ANNOUNCEMENT [1/20/25]: New Policy Statement on Immigration, Racial Equity, and Human Rights
ANUNCIO [1/20/25]: Nueva declaración política sobre inmigración, equidad racial y derechos humanos


Ready and Resilient Training

Make sure your family stays safe and is prepared during a disaster! Join the City of San Rafael, Fire Safe Marin, and Your Fire Funds at Work, to learn life saving information about what to do in an emergency, including:

  • How and when to evacuate
  • What items to pack if you need to leave home quickly
  • How to stay informed during a disaster
Ready and Resilient will take place November 13, 6:30-8PM at the Albert J. Boro Community Center at 50 Canal Street in San Rafael. Download the flier in English or Spanish and RSVP for dinner and to receive a $25 stipend for participating.