Family Corner
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We are so excited to have your child/children in our program. Community Action Marin created this website page to provide easy access to materials that you may have received already but might want quick access to. We hope to add to this page in the weeks and months to come.
We encourage you to ask questions and share your ideas about our materials, as well as our website page as we work toward meeting your child’s needs. Families are the primary influence on children’s development and the cornerstone of our program is the partnership between our staff and your family.
Family Handbook
Want to review the Children & Family Services Family Handbook for the current school year? Although all parents and guardians did receive a copy of this document at the start of the school year, we also wanted to provide it here as this important document contains valuable information about our school’s policies, procedures, and expectations.
Family Resource Guide
The 2024 Family Resource Guide is a comprehensive list of resources to help support the needs of individuals and families in Marin County. Once you open the guide, you will see listings by category. We have also provided an index at the end of guide so you can look up each organization by name.