Step Up Marin!

Community Action Marin's Annual Signature Event

Help our community thrive

Step Up Marin Photo Gallery

“As leaders—elected, appointed, or self-proclaimed—we must have the courage and bravery to stand up, to not accept the status quo as sufficient or enough. Change is hard and scary at times, but if we want more for our communities we have to have the courage for the change that will make life better for all. I want to thank you, Community Action Marin, for being willing to step up and have the courage to move forward for all.” —Benita McLarin, Director, Health and Human Services, County of Marin

Inspiring Action for Racial & Economic Equity (2023 Event)

Building Towards Equity Together (2022 Event)

You're invited to our 3rd annual Step Up Marin!

This event will highlight Community Action Marin’s shared vision of equity for all, celebrate the achievements of those we serve, and provide a welcoming space for members of the community to help advance our mission of well-being for all who call Marin home. Together, we’ll champion our efforts to create racial and economic equity in Marin. Join us!

DATE: Friday, May 17, 2024
TIME: 5:30-7:30pm
LOCATION: Las Palmas Center, 531 Hamilton Pkwy, Novato