ANNOUNCEMENT [1/20/25]: New Policy Statement on Immigration, Racial Equity, and Human Rights
ANUNCIO [1/20/25]: Nueva declaración política sobre inmigración, equidad racial y derechos humanos


Learning about healthy foods

Increasing children's healthy eating choices and
access to fresh  fruits and vegetables  

Increasing Healthy Eating

A longtime highlight of our Children and Family Services, our Learning Gardens program is growing in exciting ways to increase children’s healthy eating choices and access to fresh  fruits and vegetables  among the families  we serve.

Research shows that  involving children in a school gardening program may do more than cultivate a green thumb.  In one study, elementary school children showed increased willingness to try new foods after growing and cooking in a school-based kitchen and gardening program.

We utilize a curriculum called Garden of Eatin’ to teach children about food, nutrition, cooking, gardening, agriculture, nature, and related topics. The lessons are in English or Spanish and include fun learning activities that teachers can do with children in their classroom and/or send home for families to use. The curriculum uses a seasonal backdrop for learning and engagement and helps build a lifelong love of learning.  

Children enrolled in our Children and Family Services programs also learn about healthy eating by the example of their caregivers, who model healthy habits, manners, and good choices in the classroom. We also provide families with bilingual Harvest of the Month handouts. See a sample here.

The teachers always greet us when we arrive and ask how our night went or if we have any concerns. I stay in close communication with his teacher to discuss my son’s progress and whether his goals are being met. Recently, my son lost his appetite and she suggested that I let him help cut a banana. I followed her advice, and it worked wonderfully.

Monserrat G.
Children & Families Parent

Good Food for All!

Download our English or Spanish Discussion Guide for ideas on what you can do to improve food access in Marin! 

Children enjoy visiting the Learning Gardens classroom. Once a week they go outside to do gardening, planting, weeding, clearing, digging, and pruning. The teacher, Juanita, takes out books, magnifiers, and different types of fruits, vegetables and herbs to be observed, smelled, touched, and tasted!

Iris Marin-Lima
Site Manager
Old Gallinas Childcare Center