Quality Education
Community Action Marin offers high-quality education programs for each age group. These programs are designed to provide children with the skills they need to support at every stage in their development. Our free and affordable Head Start and early education programs support families so that parents can work and know their children are being taken care of and learning. Our educational programs help families thrive.
All of our programs for younger children are designed for each age groups developmental goals. The programs are full day, full year and include comprehensive health, nutrition, education, social services, and family development.
Services by Age Group

Early Head Start
(prenatal – age 3)

(ages 3 – 5)

School Age After School Program
(age 5+)
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Action Marin offers quality education programs for each age group:
- Early Head Start: Pre-natal – age 3
- Preschool: Ages 3 – 5
- After School: Ages 5+
Marin County families with children 0-5 years of age and expectant women. Must meet one of the following criteria:
- Meet federal or state income guidelines
- Receive public assistance
- Child is in foster care or experiencing homelessness
Children and Family Services individualizes the program for each child, which includes supporting the development of the home language. In Infant/Toddler care programs, the home language is primarily supported throughout the child’s acquisition of language. In the preschool years, the home language continues to be supported with an introduction to English (if not the child‘s first language) to support the child’s readiness for Kindergarten.
The children in full-day center-based care are provided breakfast, lunch, and a snack each day. School-age children who are only with us part of the day (after school) receive a snack.
We utilize a curriculum called Garden of Eatin’ to teach children about food, nutrition, cooking, gardening, agriculture, nature, and related topics. Each Early Education site also has a garden, which allows for outdoor experiences with growing, exploring, and tasting fresh foods. Children also learn about healthy eating by the example of their caregivers, who model healthy habits, manners, and good choices in the classroom.
Former Head Start Children
Cornell Brooks, President and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Dr. John Paul Kim, Anesthesiologist
Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation
Sylvia Mathews Burwell United States Secretary of Human Services
Chris Rock, Actor and Comedian
Shaquille O’Neal, Professional Basketball Player
Bonnie St. John, Paralympian

The Impact of our Program
We proudly serve as the lead agency for all federally-funded Head Start programs in Marin.