Utility Assistance

The Utility Assistance program is designed to help people in the neighborhood where they are currently living or at an agency where they may already be receiving services. For assistance, customers must choose a primary heat source; PG&E, Wood or Propane and may get help only once a year between October 1 – September 30.  

Community Action Marin is the local administrator of the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Our Energy Program is also a conduit for other energy assistance and residential conservation programs. Reaching over 800 households each year, our Low-Income Energy Assistance Program ensures that families get assistance with utility payments and wood and propane home energy costs. 

LIHEAP helps families living on low incomes pay their heating bills in the form of a cash grant. It is a one-time payment sent directly to the utility company or fuel provider and will appear as a credit on your bill. 

See if you qualify and the information you will need to apply. People should apply at the agency listed below that is closest to where they live: 

Marin County Health and Human Services: 415.473.7175 

Ritter Center: 415.457.8182 
Novato Human Needs: 415.897.4147, ext. 18 (Novato Area Residents) 

Women Helping All People: 415.332.1703
West Marin Community Resource Center: 415.663.8361 

People who rely primarily on wood or propane for heating can also get assistance. The eligibility and the process are the same as those for LIHEAP with the following modifications: 

  • Propane customers: Need to bring their account information including their latest bill.
  • Wood customers: Work directly with Community Action Marin’s vendor to get them a cord of wood. No bill required.