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A call for civic engagement

July 4th Calls for Strong Democracy
Posted on Category Events

In support of the Black Lives Matter movement and its call for civic engagement, especially during a Presidential election year, Community Action Marin invites a community response to racism that helps get out the vote and increases Marin’s count among hard-to-count populations in the census.

Community Action Marin, the county’s official anti-poverty agency, stands for racial and economic justice for all who live, work, play, serve, and learn in Marin County. Its July 4th event, “Racial and Economic Justice Is Our America,” will feature a car caravan with messages about the vote and census covering the 1.2 miles around Northgate Mall in Terra Linda, a hard-to-count census tract.

Download printable PDF PosterDownload poster as a printable PDF

The event will feature voter registration by the League of Women Voters and volunteers onsite will provide information about the importance of participating in the census. Mandated by the U.S. Constitution, the census determines the apportionment of federal funds to states and local communities—it translates to money for schools, health facilities, transportation, and local programs, including many of the agency’s direct services to families. The census count also controls allocation of congressional seats and how legislative district lines are drawn.

Participants will gather at 10am at the Northgate Mall parking lot across from the old Sears building, which is also across from the agency’s main office at 555 Northgate Drive. Although the office has been closed during the coronavirus pandemic, the agency has continued to provide essential worker child care services, daily meals to enrolled families, mental health support, debit and financial coaching, rent and cash assistance, and other community services.

At 10:45am, after opening remarks and time for voter registration, designated agency vehicles will start the caravan around the mall and then finish at the starting area. People are invited to walk the mall loop with signs, but must stay on sidewalks and follow all safety precautions. The event will end at 12pm.

Join us!


REMINDER: COVID-19 procedures for all participants:

  1. No one who is sick should participate in a vehicle or the gathering.
  2. We recommend that all participants take their temperature before they leave their homes to ensure well-being.
  3. You may have COVID-19 and not feel sick or show any symptoms, but still are able to spread the disease to others.
  4. Only one person will be in designated agency vehicles unless they are members of the same household who live together.
  5. No objects may be passed between vehicles and people along the route.
  6. All traffic laws must be obeyed.
  7. A reminder that shouting at someone increases the chances of spreading COVID -19.
  8. Masks should be worn by all participants.


Read our statement:  Racism Must End and be part of this event to inspire and engage the love of our entire community.

Read a version of this that appeared in the Marin IJ (as of June 12, 2020) and added information from our partner, Canal Alliance.