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Getting assistance with energy payments

Need help paying your energy bill? Our Energy Program can help!
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You or someone you know may be eligible for help with paying their home energy bill. Community Action Marin is the local administrator of the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Our Energy Program also acts as a conduit to other energy assistance and residential conservation programs. Reaching over 800 households each year, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program ensures that families receive assistance with utility payments, wood and propane home energy cost.

Now during this pandemic more families are struggling to pay their home energy bill due to loss of income as a direct result of COVID-19. While PG&E has suspended disconnecting services, your bill will continue to grow and we’d like to help you pay it now.

What Assistance Does LIHEAP Provide?

The LIHEAP program may be able to offer you assistance with bill payment, energy crisis, weatherization and energy-related home repairs.

Stay Healthy in Your Home

Energy assistance is important to all that receive it, but more so if someone in your home is elderly, disabled or a young child under 6 years old. These persons are especially at risk for life threatening illness or death if their home is too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer.

Learn more about how to get help with your energy bill and apply online today.