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Trust seals

What Do Our Seals Mean?
Posted on Category General, Stories

You may have noticed these colorful seals on our website. They’re displayed in the footer of every page on our site and also on our donation pages when a visitor is considering making a financial contribution.  

We call them “trust” seals and each one represents a special recognition or validation that Community Action Marin has received from notable organizations. They attest to our deep connections in the community, our legitimacy as an organization, and also display our financial transparency.  

“We take great pride in having earned these seals from these notable organizations,” says Nicole Cibellis, Director of Development at Community Action Marin. “We hope they will inspire confidence among our supporters, volunteers and donors that we are a reputable and trustworthy organization to invest their time and financial support.” 

Here’s more information about each one of the trust seals we’ve earned: 

Charity Navigator 
Charity Navigator is America’s leading guide to intelligent giving and has given Community Action Marin a top rating. Since 2001, they’ve been empowering millions of donors by providing them with free access to data, tools, and resources to guide philanthropic decision-making. Through their ratings, non-profits are equipped with the non-profit sector’s premier trust indicator. Accessed more than 11 million times annually, donors can give with confidence knowing the organizations that are highly rated on Charity Navigator efficiently steward donations and are accountable and transparent. 

Great Nonprofits 
The Great Nonprofits Top-Rated Awards are the “people’s choice” award where volunteers, donors, and those served by non-profits are asked to share stories of inspiration, and express their appreciation. These accolades let others see the good the organization is doing in their community. Community Action Marin is honored to regularly receive their Top-Rated ranking. 

The Giving List 2022 
The Giving List was launched in 2020 to begin a sector-wide transformation wherein story-based marketing becomes standard practice for non-profits. The goal is for non-profits to spend less time fundraising and more time doing the essential work demanded of them. The Giving List prints and distributes 75,000 physical books to high-capacity donors in the San Francisco Bay area, successfully connecting non-profits to donors and generating revenue. Community Action Marin was honored to be included in their 2022 San Francisco edition. 

Candid 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency
Community Action Marin earned a 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid (formerly Guidestar) by fulfilling their evaluation process. Our Candid listing gives potential donors the full picture of our strategy, metrics, and achievements so that donors can support our agency with trust and confidence. Candid’s approach is not only to focus on financials, but also provide a view on an organization’s strategic plan and their actual achievements. 

2020 California Nonprofit of the Year
Each year, California Assemblymembers and State Senators are invited to honor a Nonprofit of the Year for their district. Assemblymember Marc Levine chose Community Action Marin as the 2020 California Nonprofit of the Year. These awards bring attention and recognition to outstanding non-profits, collectively illustrate the remarkable diversity and vibrancy of California’s non-profit community, and give legislators a way to highlight some types of non-profits that are often overlooked: all-volunteer organizations and non-profits based in Black and other communities of color.