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We Can Prevent and End Homelessness in Marin County

Posted on Category Advocacy, General

I have a vision for our community that is both urgent and hopeful. We can prevent and end homelessness in Marin County. You are part of this unique moment for change.

Housing is a human right. Like you, I believe that homelessness is a deeply human crisis that we can solve together. The latest Point In Time Count showed that the number of unhoused people in Marin County decreased 2.8% since the previous count in 2022. While that is movement in the right direction, it doesn’t tell the full story.

There are 64 families and 111 unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness in Marin County. The vast majority are people from Marin.  

In one of the wealthiest counties in the United States, you may be surprised to learn that nearly 80 percent of the 1,090 individuals and families currently unhoused in our community are from here. They’re our Marin neighbors, friends, and family members, people like us, but they have slipped through the cracks of broken systems of care.  

Our shared values of dignity and respect demand that we do better. Too often homelessness, like poverty, is viewed as an intractable social problem. The most recent Point In Time Count shows that it is possible to make progress.

To end poverty and homelessness in Marin, we must create urgency, focus, and be creative. With a collective effort and access to unprecedented resources within reach, we can prevent and address homelessness head on. Marin was a model in California for handling the public health crisis of the pandemic with deft resolve and results—we can do the same now.Let’s show what we can do in support of building more affordable housing in Marin County. 

This moment in our history presents us with a unique opportunity. We can make collective policy choices that invest in affordable housing so that everyone is housed. Community Action Marin is proud to be a founding member of Housing for All Marin, a coalition of Marin-based organizations advocating for more affordable housing.

Together, we can make a real difference.  I look forward to your support and thank you for your commitment in community.

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Learn more about Housing for All Marin and join the regional effort to bring more affordable housing to our communities.