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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Sept. 15, 2024

Posted on Category General, Press Coverage


Save Fairfax rent control, vote no on Measure I.

I write in opposition to the baseless assertions in a letter to the editor published Sept. 7 concerning our Fairfax rent control ordinances. I urge a no vote on Measure I in the Nov. 5 election.

Residents, community groups and labor unions support rent control for Fairfax. I am, proudly, a homeowner-resident supporter. I’m also proud that respected organizations supporting rent control in Fairfax include the Marin County Democratic Party, Community Action Marin, Sierra Club and the North Bay Labor Council. The Democratic Socialists of America group is one of the supporters. This is not a list of radical extremists.

Here are the facts: Tenants do not have an unlisted right to sublease their apartments. First, under the new just-evictions law, the remaining tenant may replace only the departing tenant. Second, the landlord may reasonably refuse a new subtenant. Third, the total number of tenants cannot exceed the original number of tenants on the lease. Last, the remaining tenant’s unit must continue to be that tenant’s primary residence.

The Fairfax Town Council provided numerous opportunities for the public to learn about, and to speak in favor of or in opposition to, rent control in Fairfax. Town officials publicized each meeting on the website and in the email newsletter. After eight months of public meetings — and with due and methodical consideration of the public comments and proposed ordinances’ provisions — Fairfax adopted our rent-control and tenant-protection ordinances. The provisions are similar to local rent control laws passed in other California municipalities.

I believe that rent control helps to stabilize our community. Not everyone is able or wants to own their home, but that does not mean they don’t want to live here and be a part of the community.

Please vote no on Fairfax Measure I. Save rent control.

— Susan Adams, Fairfax

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