Exciting news! 🎉 Tickets for Step Up Marin! are now on sale!
¡Tenemos noticias emocionantes! 🎉 ¡Ya están a la venta las entradas para Step Up Marin!


Building an Anti-Poverty Movement Takes Each One of Us

Posted on Category Advocacy, General

At Community Action Marin, we know that true change comes when we not only support individuals but also work to transform the systems that hold our neighbors back. To build a truly equitable Marin, we must break down the barriers that get in the way of fair and lasting change in service to better outcomes for all.

Now, more than ever, this work is critical.

Uncertainty about the future is palpable. Political divides, economic pressures, and systemic inequities threaten the progress we’ve worked so hard to achieve. Advocacy is how we turn the tide. To advance racial and economic justice in Marin, we must step up and be heard while amplifying the voices of those long silenced.

Take early childhood education, for example. Over 500 children from families of low income in Marin rely on the high-quality, affordable early childhood programs our dedicated team provides. Yet across our county, early childhood educators remain among the most underpaid professionals—an injustice rooted in the historic devaluation of caregiving tied to racism and sexism. 

This reality is not only unjust—it places children from families of low income at an unfair disadvantage. 

That’s why this year, a team of staff and Parent Leadership Council members met with Assemblymember Damon Connolly and staff from the office of State Senator Mike McGuire at the 2024 Head Start California Advocacy Day. They advocated for pay equity and addressed the true cost of childcare, raising awareness among legislators about the profound impact of their decisions on our community’s future. 

Advocacy amplifies community voices and fosters collective action that inspires impactful solutions. 

Marin’s future—and the nation’s—depends on deliberate, collective action to advance justice and equity. Together, we can build a county where no one is left behind and every family has access to the opportunities they need to thrive.

Thanks to a generous matching gift, every donation made now through December 31 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. Donate today and double your impact!












The Heart of Marin