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Workforce Accelerator Program

Building a Road to Careers—Learn More Today!
Posted on Category General, Opportunities, Updates

A new workforce program in Marin has launched! Community Action Marin’s, “A Road to Self-Sufficiency” is a six-month program designed to help participants to overcome barriers as they find their pathway to secure meaningful employment. The program focuses on an individual’s strengths and supports them through job training and wellness support, as well as financial coaching. The program is funded thanks to a grant from the California Employment Development Department and is the agency’s second Workforce Accelerator grant from the state.   

The effort will be integrated with the rest of Community Action Marin’s services and programs focused on Economic Justice and recovery. Each of the 72 participants in this program will receive customized services to support their overall employment goals, with an eye on sustainability and well-being: 

  • Stabilization supports
  • Education and training 
  • Career counseling 
  • Financial coaching 
  • Health & wellness  
  • Employment placement in a choice of high demand fields  
  • $200/month which includes attending two, 1-hour monthly meetings (one is individual and one is a group workshop) 
  • A Chromebook laptop on loan, if needed 

The first group begins early August with the following enrollment criteria: 

  • Women (trans-inclusive) 
  • 18 or over
  • Marin resident
  • Experiencing homelessness or precariously housed  

Are you interested in participating?   

In this program, you will be connected to a broad range of services and resources to meet your basic needs and plan for your future.  

  • Phase 1: Stabilization — To meet their most immediate needs, each participant will co-create plans with and gain support from dedicated staff and volunteers.  
  • Phase 2: Discovery – With their coaches, participants will co-create individualized employment and financial capability plans guided by their interests and goals.  
  • Phase 3: Training/Education – Participants will begin education and vocational training, alongside receiving ongoing financial literacy, career coaching/resume writing, and wellness support. They will pursue on-the-job training opportunities, gain experience and job-ready skills, and increase their overall confidence. They will also work with an Employment Counselor and a Financial Coach to ensure they make progress toward their educational, financial, and larger career goals.  
  • Phase 4: Employment – Participants will secure self-sufficient employment and develop a personal crisis prevention plan under the guidance of our agency’s Mental Health Services team, including strategies to utilize their networks to continue on the road to well-being and prosperity. 

Heather Bettini, Director, Economic Justice, who oversees the program shared:  

“Community Action Marin is excited to embark on this journey with three groups of resilient, courageous women who are ready to tackle obstacles head on and create a brighter future for themselves and their families. We have much to learn from participants who have overcome significant barriers on their pathway out of poverty, and their wisdom and vision for what is possible will inform future programs and services for our community.” 


“I’m moving forward to put into practice what we learned. I am so grateful and thankful to be a part of a program like this. It came at a time when I welcomed it. I lacked motivation, and a support system. The support I received was everything. It helped me develop in a way where I feel positive about where I’m going, what I want, and how to get there. It’s made me become a better person and willing to be more supportive to others.” — Anna, 2021 Participant 

For more information contact Erika Acosta at 415.526.7539 or