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¡Tenemos noticias emocionantes! 🎉 ¡Ya están a la venta las entradas para Step Up Marin!


Levers for Change Towards Justice

2022 Annual Report: Helping People. Changing Lives.
Posted on Category General, Stories

Together with supporters and partners, Community Action Marin’s staff of 200 employees, along with hundreds of volunteers, are helping to build a stronger and more vibrant Marin County. Each year, we showcase stories of the people and families we’ve helped in our Annual Report, and we highlight some of what we’ve accomplished in partnership with donors and other community-based organizations.  

Thanks to a caring community and hard work across the county, we continue to push levers for change forward. Chandra Alexandre, Chief Executive Officer, explains:  

“Advancing racial and economic equity is the heart of our shared commitment. Our people work with passion and dedication to help eliminate the causes and consequences of poverty. In Marin, we know that we have a long way to go in support of racial justice and economic opportunity. The inequities we face and the urgency of the times push us to work through crises, make efficient use of resources, and generate a groundswell of support so that the beauty and power of our communities can be seen by all.” 

Want to see what it looks like to make a difference for over 20,000 people each year? Look at our Annual Report! See the impact that attention, care, skill, and investment made for our neighbors of low income across Marin. 

Community Action Marin staff continue to change lives and foster hope each day. “There are still many who are not able to make ends meet in Marin,” shares Liz Valone, Chief Program Officer. “It takes a village, and I believe we can make a difference for more of our neighbors so that the future will be brighter for all of us. That’s what we’re here to do.”  

Our mission: To make it possible for people to achieve well-being by providing the vital services they need. Together, we break down the barriers that get in the way of fair and lasting change in service to better outcomes for all. 

What to join us? There are many opportunities to get involved. Be part of the change in Marin County today!