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Marin Census Forum | Count All Kids!
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First 5 Marin and the Marin Communications Forum
in partnership with Canal Alliance and Community Action Marin 


Marin Census 2020 Forum:
Count All The Kids! 

Monday, February 24 | 8:30am to Noon
at the Embassy Suites Hotel
101 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael 

To register, email Michelle Fadelli 
phone 415.257.8555 


The 2020 Census begins in March.  The stakes are high and results will have huge impact on all Marin residents. We have to rally an army of champions NOW.  

Participation in this Census will determine our representation in Congress and billions of dollars in federal funding for critical services including Head Start, MediCare, SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program), and CHIP (Child Health Insurance Program) for the next ten years.   

Historically, children have been the most undercounted group.  Last Census, an estimated one million kids nationwide were overlooked.  California had the highest rate of undercount for young children in the entire country.  And children of color have higher rates of undercount than white children.   

How can we make sure children, people of color, immigrants and other “hard to count” populations in Marin – all who actually live in our community – get their fair share of fundingrepresentation and entitlement to be counted? 

This will likely be the most difficult Census in recent history.  Immigrants and people of color have legitimate reasons to mistrust government collection of data.  Working parents are busier than ever and have less time to complete a survey.  Many do not know that Census answers are heavily protected by law and their participation in the Census can help them for the next 10 years.   

Join us for this forum to learn and discuss how we can ensure a full, fair and accurate count of everyone who lives in Marin County in Census 2020, particularly our children.  Bring your heart and commitment to stand up for Marin’s children, especially those from marginalized groups