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Preschool for all

West Marin Partnership Announced
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On April 28th, the Bolinas Stinson Unified School District (BSUSD) Board approved a partnership with Community Action Marin that will support preschool for all three- and four-year-old children at the district-operated Bolinas Preschool. While details of the partnership are yet to be finalized, BSUSD will be the program operator.

Our agency will continue to provide enrollment in the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) to all income-eligible families. We anticipate that this partnership will support enhanced parent engagement programming, inclusive of a bilingual family advocate position.

The agency’s commitment to the Bolinas-Stinson community continues to strengthen. As the operator of the Family Child Care Network in Marin County, Community Action Marin is actively recruiting for a family child care home operator in the Bolinas-Stinson area to provide high-quality early education for infants and toddlers. We are also exploring the potential to offer developmental play groups for parents with very young children.

We are excited that the partnership between BSUSD and the agency will allow Community Action Marin to focus on the needs of children ages 0-2, while the district will provide high-quality early education for three- and four-year-old children. We believe that the community as a whole will benefit from our collaboration and vision for what’s possible together, leveraging our strengths, new resources, and community good will.

Photo caption: Bolinas Stinson Preschool (BSUSD) will be a partner with the agency’s efforts to provide more resources for families in the Bo-Stin community.