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Small Businesses Struggle to Survive Marin’s High Cost of Housing

Posted on Category Advocacy

Small businesses are the lifeblood of any community and it’s true in Marin.

As drivers of our local economy and an active presence in our community, they have something else in common. These businesses – and the workers who power them – feel the burden of the high cost of housing in Marin.  

Armida Scopazzi, the owner of a beloved bakery in San Rafael, treats her employees like family. Yet, despite her best efforts, she can’t pay them enough to live in Marin. Many are juggling multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Most are in unstable housing situations that are a driving force behind frequent turnover. All of it is making it increasingly difficult for her to keep her doors open. 

Watch video in English  |  Ver vídeo en español

Marin’s housing needs are unique, and our solutions need to be as well. One of the key barriers to building and preserving the housing we need in Marin is access to funding. Prop 5 gives local voters more power to address the affordable housing and public infrastructure needs in their communities. It is an essential step toward creating a strong, equitable future for our local workforce.  

Together we can advance affordable housing solutions and create a solid future for Marin.  

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Affordable housing is on the ballot this November – join us in saying Yes on Prop 5 and building a bright future for everyone in Marin.