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Many Reasons to Support Affordable Housing

Posted on Category Advocacy

Marin’s housing crisis impacts all of us.

Families face increasingly difficult decisions about where they live and work. Local employers are seeing their recruitment and retention challenges intensify. Marin residents, young and old, are being pushed out of the community they know and love.

Jude Vasconcellas, a Marshall resident, has seen the impact of the housing crisis firsthand. She has lived in West Marin for much of her life and says the growing income disparities are changing the fabric of her community. It has taken a personal toll.

Watch video in English  |  Ver vídeo en español

Jude’s is one of the many Community Voices we’ve shared over the past several months. Local residents, employers, educators, businesspeople, health providers, and more talking about Marin’s lack of affordable housing, the problems it creates for our economy and our people, and the solutions we can create together.

Affordable housing is critical to Marin’s future. And now is the time to act. Community Action Marin supports:

  • Prop 5 gives communities more tools to create the housing we need. Vote YES on Prop 5
  • Marin Rent Control keeps families in their homes and essential workers in our community. Vote NO on Measure I, and YES on Measures O, N, and K  

Our community is stronger, more vibrant, and more equitable when everyone has access to safe, affordable housing. Let’s stand together in our shared values and take action today to create a solid future for all of us in Marin.  

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Your voice matters! Vote your values. Join us in supporting affordable housing this November!