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Housing is a Human Right and an Economic Imperative

Posted on Category Advocacy, General

Affordable housing is the top issue Marin residents want addressed, and we agree.

Housing is a human right and an economic imperative. Yesterday, the Marin IJ published a joint Op-Ed from Community Action Marin and the North Bay Leadership Council. Joanne Webster and I weighed in on the reality that affordable housing is as much a social concern as it is essential to our local economy. We see its impact on Marin’s talent shortage and commuting challenges as well as the repercussions on education and racial equity.

Due to historic actions taken this week, we are one step closer to solutions. We applaud the unanimous action taken by the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) board on June 26th when they voted to place an affordable housing bond initiative on the November ballot. If approved by voters across the 9-county Bay Area, this historic bond will raise $20 billion for affordable housing. Marin County stands to gain $700 million if the measure passes, with the use of funds to be determined locally.

Our entire community benefits from a strong social fabric and local economy. The affordable housing crisis is not just a problem for some. It impacts every facet of our community and leadership from all sectors are coming together to solve this challenge. I encourage you to read the full Op-Ed and join us in addressing this critical issue. Together, we can make a difference.

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Housing for All Marin is advocating for more affordable housing in our community. Community Action Marin is proud to be a founding member of this growing coalition. Join us!