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County to Bring Walk-In Services to Canal Area on June 20

Posted on Category Press Coverage

Clean Slate program addresses justice-related & community health needs

San Rafael, CA – Several County of Marin departments are bringing an array of needed assistance directly to Canal Area residents in their own San Rafael neighborhood on Thursday, June 20. It’s called the Clean Slate Program, an afternoon walk-up event that is free to the public and fully bilingual in English and Spanish.

People in need of help with justice-related tasks such as clearing one’s record, terminating one’s probation, or dismissing a conviction will be able to walk in with documentation and receive help from the Public Defender’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office, the Probation Department, or Child Support Services. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be on hand for assistance with public benefits such as Medi-Cal, CalFresh food assistance, CalWORKS services, coordinated entry, and general housing or financial relief for families.

The event is set for 3:30-6 PM in the picnic area of Pickleweed Park, at 50 Canal Street.

In the big picture, the program helps remove barriers to self-sufficiency and ensures that every resident can succeed. Clean Slate is a community-minded collaboration of the County’s justice-oriented departments plus key support from HHS and community-based organizations. This year the County expanded its Clean Slate partnership with nonprofits such as Canal Alliance, Legal Aid of Marin, Community Action Marin, Golden Gate Transit, Marin Adult Education, and OD Free Marin. The goal of this collaborative event is to open doors for employment, housing, and education.

Those seeking law-related help are asked to bring all relevant documents with them, including past correspondences and state Department of Justice records. Each participating department will have Spanish translators on hand to help with health or immigration-related relief.

For questions about the event related to legal services, contact the Public Defender’s Office at (415) 473-6321. For health-related questions, contact Health and Human Services at (415) 473-3350.

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