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Local Businesses Feel The Affordable Housing Shortage

Posted on Category Advocacy

The challenges of Marin’s affordable housing shortage are impacting employers and our local workforce alike. Companies feel the effects of high employee turnover and the costs of new recruitment. Many among our local workforce cannot afford to live in Marin. 

Diana Kennedy, General Manager of Volvo Marin and Polestar Marin, has seen the consequences firsthand. With the majority of her employees commuting from outside the county, retaining staff has become a costly uphill battle. She spoke with us about how Marin’s lack of affordable housing is having on turnover at her business and ultimately the experience of Marin customers.

Watch video in English  |  Ver vídeo en español

At Community Action Marin, we are Yes on Prop 5 because housing is a human right and it is central to our vision of a Marin where all of us have an equal opportunity to live our lives with dignity and respect.

One of the key barriers to building and preserving the affordable housing we need in Marin is access to funding. Proposition 5 puts more control in the hands of local voters to choose how to address the unique housing needs of our community. 

Just imagine what we can build together: affordable housing for Marin’s working families, older adults, veterans, and first-time homebuyers; supportive housing for people with disabilities and those experiencing homelessness; and renovations for existing affordable rental housing.  

Together, let’s create a Marin County where all can thrive. 

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Affordable housing is on the November ballot – Join us and vote Yes on Prop 5 to ensure local workers can live where they work and everyone in our community has a safe and affordable place to call home.