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Healthcare Access Suffers with No Affordable Housing

Posted on Category Advocacy

Access to high-quality healthcare when people need it is increasingly a problem in Marin.It’s the high cost of housing that is driving a shortage of medical providers.With increasing wait times for routine services and backlogs to see a medical specialist, community health is at risk.

We spoke with Andrea Martin, a dedicated primary care clinician working in Marin, who chose her career to help people. She has been shocked by the toll Marin’s high cost of housing has taken on the healthcare sector. Like others in her field, she’s had to make significant personal and financial sacrifices to continue serving our community.

Watch video in English  |  Ver vídeo en español

The housing crisis is affecting recruitment and retention of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. In Marin, we have 2,216 medical doctors, but only 443 specialize in primary care. Forecasts indicate that California will need an additional 4,700 primary care physicians by 2025 to keep up with demand.

Addressing our local need for affordable housing is something we can do together. The well-being of our entire community will be better for it.

In solidarity,

Chandra Alexandre
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Affordable housing is healthcare – Learn more at Housing For All Marin.